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Reusable Bags

Eco-Friendly Bags: Reusable Shopping Bags

Stop contributing to landfill with single-use plastic bags and start contributing to a cleaner future with Packaging Direct Eco-Friendly Bags. Our range of environmentally-sustainable reusable bags includes brown paper bags, takeaway food bags, carry bags, mailing bags and cheese storage paper. Our bags are made from a variety of plant-based materials that are biodegradable so when they are thrown out they pose no threat to the environment.

Major Australian retailers have already banned non-recyclable bags in favour of reusable shopping bags! If you have an online business, or are a retailer, deli shop owner, do the markets or just an environmentally aware citizen - we will have an Eco-friendly, reusable bag,  solution for you or your business.

Stock up on reusable shopping bags to meet every need from personal shopping to catering for your business.